Bonnie Glover and Sherri Shepherd

Sherri Shepherd

Sherri Shepherd - Bonnie Glover

Bonnie Glover and Sherri Shepherd (THE VIEW) at the Pembroke Pines Barnes & Noble signing her new book PERMISSION SLIPS. The proceeds from the book sales went to a local charity called Embrace Girls Foundation, Inc.

Permission Slips

Permission Slip

Permission Slip - Sherri Shepherd

Covering topics such as “It’s Jesus or Jail,” “Marriage, the Hard Way,” “Children: The Gift You Can’t Give Back,” and “All the Things I Don’t Know…And All the Things I Definitely Do,” stand-up comedienne, actress, and ABC’s The View co-host Sherri Shepherd comically chronicles her struggles to keep up with the many roles-professional, wife, mother, daughter, and friend-that women must play in today’s world. Sherri urges women to pursue their most important dreams and to never give up, but also let’s readers know that it’s okay to give themselves “permission slips” when things don’t always work out the way they want them to.

~ by notthead on December 31, 2009.

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